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Editing Case-Attributes


  • type: document
  • keywords: case-attribute, editing
  • assigned: fredm, zachs, acenteno, bonfacem
  • status: requirements gathering


Case-attributes metadata for samples. They are include: sex, age, etc of the various individuals and exist separately from "normal" traits mainly because they're non-numeric. From the GN2 traits page, they are shown as extra columns under the "Reviews and Edit Data" section.

Case-attributes are determined at the group-level. E.g. for BXD, case attributes would apply at the level of each sample, across all BXD data. Every strain has a unique attribute and it's fixed, not variable.

We need to differentiate these two things:

  • Case-Attribute labels/names/categories (e.g. Sex, Height, Cage-handler, etc)
  • Case-Attribute values (e.g. Male/Female, 20cm, Frederick, etc.)

Currently, both labels and values are set at the group level:

is a good starting point to help with understanding how case-attributes were implemented and how they worked.

Critical bug existed where editing one case-attribute affected all case-attributes defined for a group.

Case attributes can have the following data-types:

  • Free-form text (no constraints) - see the `Status` column
  • Enumerations - textual data, but where the user can only pick from specific values
  • Links - The value displayed also acts as a link - e.g. the 'JAX:*' values in the `RRID` column


Example SQL query to fetch case-attribute data:

	caxrn.*, ca.Name AS CaseAttributeName,
	ca.Description AS CaseAttributeDescription,
	iset.InbredSetId AS OrigInbredSetId
	CaseAttribute AS ca INNER JOIN CaseAttributeXRefNew AS caxrn
	ON ca.Id=caxrn.CaseAttributeId
      StrainXRef AS sxr
      ON caxrn.StrainId=sxr.StrainId
      InbredSet AS iset
      ON sxr.InbredSetId=iset.InbredSetId
	caxrn.value != 'x'
	AND caxrn.value IS NOT NULL;

CaseAttributeXRefNew differs from CaseAttributeXRef:

mysql> describe CaseAttributeXRef;
| Field            | Type                 | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ProbeSetFreezeId | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       |
| StrainId         | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       |
| CaseAttributeId  | smallint(5)          | NO   | PRI | 0       |       |
| Value            | varchar(100)         | NO   |     |         |       |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> describe CaseAttributeXRefNew;
| Field           | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| InbredSetId     | int(5) unsigned  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| StrainId        | int(20) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| CaseAttributeId | int(5) unsigned  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| Value           | varchar(100)     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  • @bmunyoki: Model case-attributes correctly in RDF.
  • @bmunyoki, @zachs: Implement case-attributes editing in GN3 that correctly models case-attributes at the group-level. CRUD operations with the correct authorization. People who can edit sample data should not be able to edit case-attributes because case-attributes are defined at the group level; and editing case-attributes at the group-level will affect other samples.
  • @rob: Confirm to team whether "N" and "SE" are case-attributes. @bmunyoki AFAICT, no.

Possible set of privileges subject to discussion:

  • group:resource:add-case-attributes - Allows user to add a completely new case attribute
  • group:resource:edit-case-attributes - Allows user to edit an existing case attribute
  • group:resource:delete-case-attributes - Allows user to delete an existing case attribute
  • group:resource:view-case-attributes - Allows user to view case attributes and their value

Given groups are not directly linked to any auth resource, we may introduce some level of indirection. Addy a new resource type that handles groups may solve this.

See Also

(made with skribilo)