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[gn-transform-databases/ADR-002] Remodel GeneRIF_BASIC (NCBI RIFs) Metadata To Be More Compact


Currently, we represent NCBI RIFs as blank nodes that form the object of a given symbol:

gn:symbolsspA rdfs:comment [
	rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry ;
	rdfs:comment "N-terminus verified by Edman degradation on mature peptide"^^xsd:string ;
	gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus ;
	skos:notation taxon:511145 ;
	gnt:hasGeneId generif:944744 ;
	dct:hasVersion '1'^^xsd:int ;
	dct:references pubmed:97295 ;
	dct:references pubmed:15361618 ;
	dct:created "2007-11-06T00:38:00"^^xsd:datetime ;
] .
gn:symbolaraC rdfs:comment [
	rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry ;
	rdfs:comment "N-terminus verified by Edman degradation on mature peptide"^^xsd:string ;
	gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus ;
	skos:notation taxon:511145 ;
	gnt:hasGeneId generif:944780 ;
	dct:hasVersion '1'^^xsd:int ;
	dct:references pubmed:320034 ;
	dct:references pubmed:16369539 ;
	dct:created "2007-11-06T00:39:00"^^xsd:datetime ;
] .

Moreover, we also store all the different versions of a comment:

mysql> SELECT * FROM GeneRIF_BASIC WHERE SpeciesId=1 AND TaxID=7955 AND GeneId=323473 AND PubMed_ID = 15680355\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 SpeciesId: 1
     TaxID: 7955
    GeneId: 323473
    symbol: prdm1a
 PubMed_ID: 15680355
createtime: 2010-01-21 00:00:00
   comment: One of two mutations in which defects are observed in both cell populations: it leads to a complete absence of RB neurons and a reduction in neural crest cells
 VersionId: 1
*************************** 2. row ***************************
 SpeciesId: 1
     TaxID: 7955
    GeneId: 323473
    symbol: prdm1a
 PubMed_ID: 15680355
createtime: 2010-01-21 00:00:00
   comment: prdm1 functions to promote the cell fate specification of both neural crest cells and sensory neurons
 VersionId: 2


First, we should only store the latest version of a given RIF entry and ignore all other versions. RIF entries in the GeneRIF_BASIC table are uniquely identified by the columns: SpeciesId, GeneId, PubMed_ID, createtime, and VersionId. Since we are storing the latest version of a given RIF entry, we drop the version identifier during the RDF transform.

We use a unique identifier for a given comment, and use that as a triple's QName:


Finally instead of:

<symbol> predicate <comment metadata>

We use:

<comment-uid> predicate object ;
              ... (more metadata) .

An example triple would take the form:

gn:rif-1-511145 rdf:label '''N-terminus verified by Edman degradation on mature peptide'''@en .
gn:rif-1-511145 rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry .
gn:rif-1-511145 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
gn:rif-1-511145 skos:notation taxon:511145 .
gn:rif-1-511145 rdfs:seeAlso [
    gnt:hasGeneId generif:944744 ;
    gnt:symbol "spA" ;
    dct:references ( pubmed:97295 ... pubmed:15361618 ) .
] .
gn:rif-1-511145 rdfs:seeAlso [
    gnt:hasGeneId generif:944780 ;
    gnt:symbol "araC" ;
    dct:references ( pubmed:320034 ... pubmed:16369539 ) .

To efficiently store GeneIds, symbols and references, we use blank nodes. This reduces redundancy and simplifies the triples compared to including these details within the subject:

gn:rif-1-511145-944744 rdf:label '''N-terminus verified by Edman degradation on mature peptide'''@en .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 skos:notation taxon:511145 .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 gnt:hasGeneId generif:944744 .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 gnt:symbol "spA" .
gn:rif-1-511145-944744 dct:references ( pubmed:97295 ... pubmed:15361618 ) .

gn:rif-1-511145-944780 rdf:label '''N-terminus verified by Edman degradation on mature peptide'''@en .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 rdf:type gnc:NCBIWikiEntry .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 skos:notation taxon:511145 .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 gnt:hasGeneId generif:944744 .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 gnt:symbol "spA" .
gn:rif-1-511145-944780 dct:references ( pubmed:97295 ... pubmed:15361618 ) .


  • More complex SQL query required for the transform.
  • De-duplication of RIF entries during the transform.
  • Because of the terseness, less work during the I/O heavy operation.
  • Update SPARQL in tux02, tux01 in lockstep with updating GN3/GN2 and the XAPIAN index.
(made with skribilo)