- letsencrypt was down
I reopened the task to migrate production to https fully. Started with gn2-zach's testing instance and redirected http -> https with letsencrypt. Errors show in browser console that the menu loader is hard coded, for example.
Blocked loading mixed active content “http://gn2-zach.genenetwork.org/api4//menu/generate/json”
That needs to be updated in settings.
See also
I also added a path to tux02 with gn2-test.genenetwork.org at port 5010 for testing.
certbot --nginx -d host.genenetwork.org
certbot renew --dry-run
CRON, for example
22 4 * * 3 sheepdog_run.rb -c '/usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet' --always --tag CERTBOT >> ~/cron.log 2>&1
Add certificate
certbot certonly --nginx --agree-tos --preferred-challenges http -d ucscbrowser.genenetwork.org --register-unsafely-without-email