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Marker mapping

Marker regression is broken with

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/gnshare/gn/web/webqtl/cmdLine/webqtlCmdLine.py", line 170, in ?
    page = MarkerRegressionPage.MarkerRegressionPage(fd)
  File "/gnshare/gn/web/webqtl/cmdLine/../markerRegression/MarkerRegressionPage.py", line 203, in __init__
    resultstable,tblobj,bottomInfo  = self.GenReport(ChrNameOrderIdDict,fd, _genotype, _strains, _vals, _vars)
  File "/gnshare/gn/web/webqtl/cmdLine/../markerRegression/MarkerRegressionPage.py", line 438, in GenReport
    qtlresults = _genotype.regression(strains = _strains, trait = _vals)
AttributeError: 'genotype' object has no attribute 'regression'


  • assigned: zachs, pjotrp
  • type: bug
  • priority: high
  • status: closed
  • keywords: marker,GN1


Works on production now.

(made with skribilo)